Recovery to Reinvention: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing

This continues the Walton Family Foundation-sponsored series, designed in partnership with PIE Network and Bellwether Education Partners. Students will be returning to school amid a perfect storm of ongoing trauma: the COVID-19 pandemic, economic instability, racial unrest, and months of anxiety and isolation caused by school and community shutdowns. Surveys and polls consistently show that […]

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Recovery to Reinvention Series: High-Impact Tutoring

This continues the Walton Family Foundation-sponsored series, designed in partnership with PIE Network and Bellwether Education Partners. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, families and educators are eager to accelerate learning and provide students with the targeted support they need. Research shows that high-impact tutoring is among the most effective ways to do so. […]

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Recovery to Reinvention Series: Funding Students, Not Systems

This continues the Walton Family Foundation-sponsored series, designed in partnership with PIE Network and Bellwether Education Partners. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored that students and families have complex educational needs that require a range of solutions and learning environments—there is no one-size-fits-all and students benefit when families are empowered to make the best decisions for […]

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Recovery to Reinvention Series: Winning Messages for the Right, Left, and Center

This continues the Walton Family Foundation-sponsored series, designed in partnership with PIE Network and Bellwether Education Partners. The political environment is unique for just about every education advocate, and communicating about the stimulus requires a new level of customization. Using existing insights and the new data from Beacon Research and Shaw & Company Research, Frank Luntz of […]

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Recovery to Reinvention Series: Funding Formula Fixes

This continues the Walton Family Foundation-sponsored series, designed in partnership with PIE Network and Bellwether Education Partners. While advocates and policymakers are rightly focused on using new federal funds to provide immediate relief for students, the American Rescue Plan Act also provides a unique opportunity to advance student-centered state funding formulae to ensure that money […]

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Coalitions as a Tool for Advocacy

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently released the findings of a study it commissioned to better understand coalition building and help inform principles about when, how, and what coalitions to support under different circumstances. The framework for effective coalitions centered on four components: coalition capacity and structure, coalition context, coalition support, and coalition strategy. Join Erik […]

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Advocacy Strategies to Preserve Assessment Workshop

In light of the U.S. Department of Education’s guidance requiring all states to administer summative assessments this year, many states are now determining how to move forward and what, if any, flexibilities they want to pursue. Join Adam Ezring (The Collaborative for Student Success), Brennan Parton (DQC), Maya Martin Cadogan (DC PAVE), and Sandi Jacobs (EducationCounsel) to unpack the latest actions states have […]

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Building Winning Messages: Workshop Advocacy & Comms Campaigns with Frank Luntz

Join us for a working meeting with Frank Luntz, a national political and communications consultant, where Network leaders will have the opportunity to workshop advocacy and communications campaigns and build winning messaging in real-time. If you have questions or specific messaging you’d like Frank’s guidance on, please email Courtney Criswell, Vice President of Policy and Program, as we plan to […]

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Advocating in a Virtual Environment

How do you successfully engage elected representatives, and ensure you’re building power when everyone is online? Join Network leaders to share best practices from recent virtual advocacy days and issue assemblies. Kickstarters include: Erin Tholen (Texas Public Charter Schools Association), Jessica Ramos and Ja’Neane Minor (Advance Illinois), and Larry Fondation (United Parents and Students).  […]

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Post-Election Survey Briefing with More in Common

In this discussion, Dan Vallone (More in Common USA) will share insights from a new national post-election survey on communicating with people across ideological lines, “moving forward,” and understanding Americans’ trust in and relationship toward key institutions and communities. Amanda Aragon (NewMexicoKidsCAN),Tequilla Brownie (TNTP), and Luke Ragland (Ready Colorado) are among a group of Network leaders who helped shape the survey’s education-related […]

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