This session will explore ways to better align systems to link together K-12, higher education, and career outcomes and spur innovation, improvement, and quality across education and career-oriented institutions. Anthony Carnevale (Georgetown Center on Education & the Workforce) will discuss what data are needed to analyze education production, to identify labor market needs, and how to better match education and workforce outcomes. Paul […]
Topic: Postsecondary Access & Success
Top 10 Higher Education State Policy Issues for 2021
Pathways Matter

Reinforcing Links: Supporting Postsecondary Transitions through COVID-19

The pandemic is challenging students’ ability to successfully make the transition from secondary to postsecondary education. In this session, Ryan Reyna (Education Strategy Group) will discuss ways that state and education leaders can support students in making those transitions, particularly as it relates to data-driven approaches, systemic supports, and targeted interventions to increase student awareness and support. Samantha Gutter (SCORE) will […]
2020 State of the Market: The Use of Aligned Materials
Improving College Success and Graduation: The Role of Advocates and Policy Makers in Supporting and Scaling Best Practices
Low college success rates—only about 40 percent of enrolled students graduate after six years, with the rate much lower for low-income, first-generation, and Black and Latino students—undermine the futures of millions of students every year. Yolanda Watson Spiva (Complete College America) works to identify and support best practices to turn this reality around. In this discussion, she […]