Working Group: ESSER Tracking and Advocacy

This ESSER Tracking and Advocacy Working Group is open to all Network members. In this meeting, leaders from SCORE in Tennessee, A+ Education Partnership in Alabama, and the School and State Finance Project in Connecticut will share tools they’ve built to track ESSER spending and promote the strategic use of these funds, and will join […]

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Looking Back & Looking Ahead: Race & Education Policy Landscape Update

Efforts to advance legislation that curtails the teaching of history, literature, and race in education have continued to spread across the country, and the playbook to target school boards, schools, teachers, curricula, and classroom instruction continues to evolve. Join for this discussion on new research, how recent legislation in Indiana failed, what leaders in Tennessee […]

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Tennessee’s New Teacher Apprenticeship Program and Grow Your Own Models

As states continue to grapple with teacher shortages and the need to diversify the teaching profession, many are adopting strategies to increase access to and reduce the cost of teacher preparation. A new effort to expand routes into the teaching profession is Tennessee’s Teacher Occupation Apprenticeship program, the first K-12 teacher apprenticeship program in the […]

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