Tennessee’s New Teacher Apprenticeship Program and Grow Your Own Models

As states continue to grapple with teacher shortages and the need to diversify the teaching profession, many are adopting strategies to increase access to and reduce the cost of teacher preparation. A new effort to expand routes into the teaching profession is Tennessee’s Teacher Occupation Apprenticeship program, the first K-12 teacher apprenticeship program in the […]

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Coalition on the Future of the Teaching Profession

School staffing shortages and their impact on student learning expose long-standing challenges in ensuring great educators for every student. More than ever, a new coalition argues, it’s time to rethink the one-teacher, one-classroom model of teaching and learning, which does not reliably deliver quality learning outcomes and experiences for nearly enough people and communities. In […]

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Teacher Shortages and Opportunities for Innovation

Teacher shortages and absences in critical subjects and areas across the country are disrupting efforts around pandemic recovery and learning acceleration. As advocates know, this crisis further reveals challenges that already existed around recruiting, certifying, training, and retaining teachers, and more broadly on how we define and structure teacher roles. In this conversation, Chad Aldeman […]

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